Malibu Notary Public

Malibu Notary Public is your trusted community notary Public serving city of Malibu and all the surrounding cities.

At last, what the world has been clamoring for: A combination of Newsstand AND Notary! Please contain your exuberance.

We provide notarial services for a wide variety of documents. We can notarize real estate documents, court documents, municipal, state and federal documents, contracts, trusts and many others. We provide thorough and professional service with little to no wait times. Our main intent is to provide cost effective, quick and friendly service. For all your exciting and incredibly awe-inspiring documents, come see us for notarizing!

Notary Stamp

Full Face Makeup | $52+

Eye Makeup Only | $32+

Eyebrow Arch (tweezing) | $12+

Stamping a document